Hanging fruit


installation at The Polygon Gallery, North Vancouver
for Meydan, 2021

3D printed replica of coat hanger
Cedar coat hanger
Copper used to protect cabbages in the garden
Fake fruit and vegetables
Mesh bags
Plastic bags
Plastic balls
Sheep’s wool
Wine bottles (I drank the wine)

28 x 20 x 16 inches

wooden coat hanger coming out perpendicular from the wall with three plastic bags and one mesh fruit bag hanging from it. the mesh bag is full of plastic fruit, the other bags are full of palm sized play balls, cotton, more platic bags

empty white wall, wooden coat hanger coming out perpendicular from the wall with two plastic bags and one mesh fruit bag hanging from it. the mesh bag is full of plastic fruit and real pomegranates, the other bags are full of palm sized plastic balls, cotton, more platic bags as well as a 3D printed replica of the wooden coat hanger

empty white wall, wooden coat hanger coming out perpendicular from the wall with two plastic bags and one mesh fruit bag hanging from it. the mesh bag is full of plastic fruit and real pomegranates, the other bags are full of palm sized plastic balls, cotton, more platic bags as well as a 3D printed replica of the wooden coat hanger